News + Brews

John Bando
Hittin’ the Books: Coffee 101 – The Process of Roasting and How It Works

Hittin’ the Books: Coffee 101 – The Process of Roasting and How It Works

Today, we’re covering the basics of how coffee roasting actually works. From soup to nuts—except, you know, there’s no soup… or nuts… just coffee. But we’ll be covering the broad strokes of the process, which will prepare you and your classmates for your education here at Ready Set Onlineversity

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John Bando
Coffee and Presidents: What Coffee You Should Buy For Your Morning Pickle or Your Favorite Ohio President

Coffee and Presidents: What Coffee You Should Buy For Your Morning Pickle or Your Favorite Ohio President

Presidents Day—the odd stepchild of American holidays. We here at Ready Set, however, being the staunch presidential historians and purveyors of coffee, are wholeheartedly thrilled to celebrate our presidents of yore and the coffee these gentlemen may or may not have had when sitting in the Oval Office.

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John Bando
Avast, Ye Coffee: A Tale of Subscriptions and Scallywags

Avast, Ye Coffee: A Tale of Subscriptions and Scallywags

Ahoy ye fellow landlubbers, John here. Todays tale takes us to the treacherous and tumultuous streets of the west side suburbs. Me first matey, Cam, has once again joined me on this voyage, coining the chronicles of one Captain Robert Menard....

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John Bando
The Ready Set Travel Tumbler: A Perfect Gift

The Ready Set Travel Tumbler: A Perfect Gift

It isn’t hard to buy your office friends gifts. A candle, a gift card. Toss it in a bag with ribbon handles, throw a dollop of tissue paper, call it day. But what about your other friends? You know, those friends. The fringe lunatics, the trash worshippers, the ramblers and the wanderers. The trees with far away eyes and the whisps of smoke in the night. The ones you don’t know why they’re your friends. You don’t even know if they’re real people or just wildcats conjured by your imagination.

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